Rob Vaughn


Recent projects, professional & hobby

about me

Diverse computer science & technology experience involving software & web development, design, optimization & security; technical & team management; product and project specification, development & management; quality assurance (QA) & testing; hardware procurement, deployment, maintenance & support; security audits & pen-testing (CISSP and related 2007-2014) and more across a wide range of platforms and operating systems.

I'm a tech generalist interested in whatever tools & and methodologies will provide the best & and most cost-efficent solutions. Adept at translating business needs into cost-effective, secure, user-friendly solutions. Dedicated to applying best practices and delivering defect-free, intuitive and robust software.

Drop me a line


Portland, Oregon


971-413-0528 (mobile)
503-486-8930 (home)
(please leave a message)


Rob Vaughn VCard
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Online & Social Media

Recent Websites

Liam Grant

Musician home page for Liam Grant. Includes: upcoming and past live shows with gigs happening in the next two weeks dynamically listed on the main page; a show poster gallery; the first official BadLibs™ Create-O-Bio™ Artist Biography which can be filled out and printed or auto-generated; and a dynamically-built videos page offering recent live footage.

The Sound-O-Mat

Home page for The Sound-O-Mat audio studio and record label. Responsible for all front- and backend work: custom design and layout, HTML5 / CSS3 / PHP / Javascript/jQuery, graphics, icons & logos, photographs, domain name registration and hosting, etc. Includes standard faire such as a FAQ with drop-down answers, regularly updated news and an integrated Mailchimp-based mailing list subscription form.


Band website designed from artists' concepts and built as a fully responsive, mobile-friendly platform. Eschewing typical music-related page designs, navigation of the site purposefully encourages exploration and discovery in the vein of anonymity under which the band operates, inviting visitors to learn from their bio, news and their artistic influences. Features such as hidden Easter eggs, interactive elements and other surprises help to showcase their music and other creative projects.


Team & Project Management

Team and Project Management in a diverse range of companies, from Fortunte 50 (ADP Dealer Services/CDK Global and Kroger) to spinoffs (PassEdge, out of Intel) to building startups and teams from concept (Pheedo.) I bring attention to detail as well as strong people skills to various management roles.

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Reddit Haiku Robot

An entertaining Reddit robot that posts haiku about the sub infrequently as replies. Written in OO Python3 using the Reddit API, haikus stored as flat files, or with MySQL or CouchDB.

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A general wifi network command line utility that grew out of a simple script for a friend into a comprehensive tool for Windows, Linux and RaspPi. Included unit tests.

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argparse Cookbook

My own Python argparse cookbook examples plus links to others and similar tools.

The Sound-O-Mat

I've also worked as a post-production (mainly) audio engineer and have run a small record label. Responsible for all steps in production to release, from project inception to recording & engineering to manufacturing, distribution and promotion.

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Past Companies and Consulting

A sampling of past employment and consulting work via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine:

Gemm (
Vitamart (
WiredFlyer /
Pheedo (

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